Delirious was released on DVD this week. The release was of such importance to Gestation that they hired a publicity firm and secured the interest of two (2) journalists. The interview below is from DVD The 2nd, at, might be arousing to some.
From DVD
Q: For Delirious, you made a really fun viral marketing video involving Gina Gershon on the set of a porno film. Can you tell us how and why you decided to make this clip?
TD: The advertising budget for the film was just a little less than non-existent. I had to come up with ideas to promote the film that wouldn’t cost money. The web was the only real possibility. I wanted to draw attention to how desperate directors can get just before their films are released. If you look at all four clips you will see my “character” stooping to the lowest depths to promote the film. Even to the point of attempting to convince Gina Gershon to do a sex tape for publicity. The intent was to show the absurdity of it all. And yet, as in my film, the absurdity is not too far from reality. The Buscemi clip with me crashing the real press day for his film Interview was entirely his idea.
Q: You’ve often been vocal about how frustrating filmmaking can be. Can you explain some of the tasks that irk you the most when making a film?
TD: Ironically, it can be the medium itself that is the most maddening. Having to re-set a light while an actor is primed with emotion, running out of film during the best take, losing a take because a plane flies by etc.
In addition, this business attracts mainly the mega-neurotic and psychotic—in all levels of production; from cinematographers to actors to composers. No matter how much background checking you do with previous employers, parole officers and therapists you never know when someone you’ve hired in a key position will suddenly turn into a sadistic jackass. This is the most destructive thing that can happen on a low-budget film. Without the security blanket of cash to pay for the damage you are momentarily at these people’s mercy. Your only solutions are painful; fire them and lose time and money as you scramble to replace them, or find some way to put up with their illness.
But the frustration quadruples once the film is finished. After all the years of work you try to find a company that will usher the film into the world. You seek a group of people that will at least put 1/10th of the emotional conviction into the release that you and your team put into the miraculous achievement of making the film. I have yet to experience that particular pleasure.
Q: Did you always know you wanted to be a filmmaker or did you start out writing or performing and it just kind of manifested into filmmaking?
TD: My father was in the military and a purist (control freak) in some ways. He refused to have a TV in the house. As a result I read at an early age and simultaneously developed a fixation on the “forbidden” moving image. At college my original intent was to be a writer. Then I saw La Strada. It opened a door that combined my joy of writing, my visual sense and my love of acting. I got a MFA in Directing from NYU but quickly realized that a deeper understanding of acting was crucial to the kinds of stories I wanted to tell. So, I studied acting and performed in a bunch of no-budget films and plays for 8 years—all of which ended up leading me to my first film, Johnny Suede.
Q: Do you enjoy the process of writing more than directing or vice versa?
TD: I love them both. Both have their moments of indescribable joy and terror. I love the thrill of freedom that writing brings. I am totally alone. I can go to any location I want no matter how expensive, the actors do and say whatever I ask without complaint and with incredible conviction.
On the set directing is primarily the business of dealing with people. After the isolation of writing I am highly energized by this abrupt change. Directing consists of making thousands of decisions a day. You hope a fraction of them are right. You get into a mad, intense rhythm. It is like driving a motorcycle at high-speed along the edge of a cliff. Some of the greatest joys come straight out of the intensity; like impulsively whispering a suggestion to an actor like Steve Buscemi right before a take and then watching in astonishment as he suddenly takes flight with the idea, creating something breathtaking and new right before your eyes.
Q: You created the character of Johnny Suede initially as a one man show which you performed, do you think Brad Pitt managed to channel the character in the ways you wanted?
TD: Yes. I cast Brad when he was completely unknown. My producers at the time refused to cast him. I insisted. They resisted. They pulled out. I found another producer and cast Brad. I think he gives an extremely open and uncensored performance. His portrayal of the character was of course different than mine but I marvel at it to this day. He brings a genuine vulnerability to his portrayal of the idiocy of the male psyche that most actors would be unwilling to explore.
Q: Do you find it beneficial to continue working relationships with actors?
TD: Good ones, yes. Bad ones, definitely not. What I look for in an actor is willingness. This does not mean they do exactly what I say. In fact it has nothing to do with control. It has everything to do with the collaborative effort; being open to discovering with me the joy and excitement of the film. That sense of collaboration is so exhilarating that as a director you want to have it on every film. And so if you have that rare experience you try to perpetuate it. Buscemi is one of the most willing actors I’ve ever worked with. And most of the time I have to say very little to him.
Q: Living In Oblivion is a textbook film for all film students to watch, did you have any idea that this film would strike such a nerve with burgeoning filmmakers?
TD: Well, I knew when the idea hit me that I was stumbling into something that had not been shown before. That sense of discovery was very exciting. I’ve learned that when something excites me like that it usually excites others.
What interested me was showing the real filmmaking process in all its excruciating (and ultimately thrilling) detail. The set of Oblivion exists in its own secluded reality (hence the title). There are no agents, no producers, no publicists, no managers and no distributors. There is only the director, the actors and the crew. It gets no purer than that. And if the process with only this hightly-simplified group is still so maddening it only proves you’d have to be a lunatic to want to join them.
Q: Do you have any advice you could give to any of our readers and potential filmmakers?
TD: To your readers I would only say keep your minds open. Use your own judgment and genuine curiosity to discover new films. That is crucial to the survival of films that have the nerve or idiocy to be different than Batman 67.
To potential filmmakers I would say, ask yourself why you want to be a filmmaker. This is not a sarcastic question. It is quite serious. The clearer your answer the clearer your path will be. Because, as everyone knows; there is no path.
To those who want to make personal films I can only suggest that you develop a fortitude somewhat between Godzilla and Mohammad Ali. Because that is what it takes. Trust me; this is not a gentle business. But, when you do achieve a victory, especially a personal one, the reward is exhilarating—better than any sex or drug I’ve ever taken.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Let me check into this with Anton. At the very least I know he’ll be pleased to hear you responded to his music.
Let me see if there is a way to make the sounds available to people.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
That piece of music you mention is part of the composed score by Anton Sanko. I agree with you that it is a pretty amazing piece. Anton did all of the instrumental musci, including the piece during Toby’s walk home through the falling flowers.
There was a question from someone else about the song Alison Lohman (K’harma) sings and it makes me think a soundtrack cd would be interesting to some people.
Dealing with the folks at Gestation to try and put that together would unfortunately be an exercise in futility.
Thanks for watching the film again.
Written and Performed by Tom DiCillo
Published by Double Whammy Inc. (ASCAP)
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Tardiness of response means nothing, my friend. Thanks for writing. Given the wretchedness of the “theatrical release” it is truly a wonder that anyone besides me and the actors even know the film exists.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
I thank you for your comment. Not simply because you liked the film but because you identified some of the themes I had been wrestling with. The balance between comedy and tragedy was very tricky. I spent quite a bit of time working on it, from the script to the shooting to the editing. I appreciate a straight-out comedy (Caddyshack is one of my favorites) as much as anyone else. But life, as far as I can see, is never just one thing. In fact, many other directors besides myself, see the constant interchange between comedy and pathos as the crucial elements that keep a film truthful and alive. David Lynch is a sublime example.
I hate having to describe a genre for Delirious to be crammed into. Some critics blink at it in confusion and call it a “buddy pic.” Others think it is only a satire. It still astonishes me what people see and don’t see in the film. One of the most important scenes for me is when Buscemi (Les) breaks down in front of Toby. No reviewer has mentioned this scene. It is the scene that serves as the window to Les’ soul; that opens him up to the world, providing a glimpse into his turmoil, fear and self-doubt. Without it Les is just a creep. Buscemi’s performance here breaks my heart every time I see it. I cannot recall him doing anything so emotionally pure on screen.
I just watched Delirious on DVD. It was a great film from beginning to end. There is nothing better than a film that is undefinable in terms of genre and that flows along without a hint of what is coming next. It’s as if you have all the pieces of a puzzle and you form them into a whole – seamlessly. The interplay between comedy and tragedy, the fairy tale quality of the story, and the New York backdrop revealed your ability to speak the cinematic language in a personal yet universal tone. I’ve got your films lined up on my Netflix list and look forward to immersing myself in your creative genius. I will also post a similar review on Netflix. The synopsis they give doesn’t do this film justice. Thanks again.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks for your note.
From my perspective there is, and always will be, a huge difference between timing and idiocy.
I hope you enjoy the film.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Good to hear from you. Been a little crazed. Yes, The Doors film is moving toward finality. Ray Manzarek and John Densmore have signed off on it; enthusiastically I might add. I’ll do a post in a few days when my head clears. Robby Krieger will see it soon. Title is still elusive. I have several in mind. The trick is getting everyone to agree. We’ve been through song lyrics and all poetry. I definitely don’t want to use a song title. If you’ve got something that strikes you send it along.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thank you for writing. Your message is a little confusing. Scene Six was the working title for a film I made in 1995 that ended up being called Living In Oblivion. So, I’m afraid you can’t make it because it has already been made.
I have the script!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
I agree, I think the Doors are vastly influential; even more than people realize. The best experience I had so far was screening the cut for Jim’s sister and her extended family on Friday. They were extremely gracious and encouraging. That meant a lot to me. So much of what is written about Jim and the Doors is stoopit. I almost went there myself in some small areas. Thank god I caught myself.
See my response to Sally above about the fistfight. I’ve never hit anybody in my life, nor do I plan to. But this guy came very close to being the first.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
thanks very much for writing. You are absolutely right about the Spanish subtitles–they should have done that for the film. All I can say is thanks god they even got the DVD out with anything on it, including the film itself.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks very much for your kind comments about Delirious. I’m glad you found some truth in it. I worked very hard to try and keep it as accurate as possible; particularly regarding how as human beings we’ve developed an entire set of behavioral survival rules and instincts to cope with this enviroment that is entirely us-created: celebrity and fame.
It brings out the best and the worst.
I think we are next-door neighbors. The smoke from the Universdal fire was blowing right in my window. All the lost telecined souls of Hoss Cartright and Desi Arnaz.
I’ve noticed Californians have a thing with their cars. Some jerk in a parking lot acted this out in a manner which I felt needed correction. Though no punches were thrown, he was, shall we say, corrected. He drove off in his shiny black alter-ego which, no matter how much pride he took in it, could only be described as a gay Batmobile. FYI, if any derision is intended here it is restricted entirely to the word Batmobile.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks so much for your note. I’m touched you had a personal reaction to the film. To me that is what movies (and all art really) are about. I once had an acting teacher say to me regarding how to make scene come to life, “If it ain’t personal, it ain’t no fucking good.”
After all the hard work it is immensely rewarding to see that the film affected you. I give huge credit to Buscemi, Pitt, Gershon and Alison Lohman. And don’t get me wrong, I regret nothing. I made the film I wanted to make; in fact it came to life in ways that exceeded my expectations. That is something more valuable than any critical or public acknowledgment.
But. Ah, yes. But. This is a business. What happens to one film directly impacts the ability to make another. That is a hard, cold fact. Having struggled on each film by starting from scratch, the dismal theatrical release was a jolting reminder that I will have to do the same yet again.
And so I will.
My best to you and your wife. Thanks so much for going to the theater to see the film. I know some folks in Nashville. It is a cool town. Some great music happening down there.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Oh yes, there is news. The work is going well and is incredibly intense. This past week we had screenings of the rough cut for the individual members of the Doors, then screenings for Morrison’s family and the family of Pam Courson, his girlfiend.
Each screening was both rewarding and draining. So much history. So much personal connection from all. The great news is that although everyone had notes, the reaction to the film was unanimously strong.
And so now I enter a period of sharpening and fine tuning.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
I think you said enough. In fact I think you said it all and I really appreciate your taking the time to write. Thanks very much for your response.
Spread the word if you feel like it.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Your comment was much appreciated. I’m glad you felt that way about the acting in Delirious. I don’t disagree with you. Which I guess is just a stoopit way of saying, I agree with you.
I enjoy bringing things out of actors. The best relationship is when they see what you’re offering them and they rise to meet you. The worst is when the see what you’re offering and they say, “I see what you’re offering but I’m not going there for you.”
But, the cruel bottom line is: the only thing that matters is what ends up on screen. No one cares (or should) how it got there.
Good eye.
Erik H.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
First, let me express my immense gratitude to you for actually trekking to the theater to see Delirious. Considering that very few people even knew it was playing, your effort is very meaningful to me. I believe you are one of about 200.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks for your words of support. I never started out my relationship with Gestation with the intent of creating animosity. All I ever expected from them was to do their best in helping the movie they financed find some kind of life in the marketplace.
I’m a Student Filmmaker from Staten Island New York, And I am currently listening to the commentary track you recorded for Delirious and you mentioned how you were upset so little people saw the film, I just wanted you to know that Me and my friend treked it out to East Village Cinema to see it back last summer when it was in theaters and enjoyed it very much, We both bought copies when we saw the dvd in best buy and i have already shown the movie to three other people. I also wanted o say hat the look of the film is amazing the slightly bleached colors work so well. Also something you may enjoy hearing (and i am not just saying it) the scene where Toby is walking back to Les’ is by far the most beautiful sequence i have ever seen, ive actually copied the video and turned it into my screensaver. This post came out alot longer than I intended but i just wanted you to know that not only is your work being seen and enjoyed but its inspiring the next generation (at least one person in) of filmmakers.
Thanks for the film,
Now that I have gotten that out of the way- I thought the film Delirious was brilliant. The film has so much for everyone. Comedy, love, drama and an excellent ending that is suspenseful. I just finished watching the film with my fiancé and I was speechless for more than a few minutes. I felt like one of the main reasons I purchased shares was to share in the potential success of this film. Don’t get me wrong I promise I would have seen this film regardless of my situation. I really liked your other films, my first ever being Box of Moonlight. I have followed your blog from day 1 and I even tried a weak effort at promoting the film on various sites. I tried to direct traffic to the homepage for the movie. I share in your frustration. Granted we are on very different levels but the theme here is the same. Your work speaks for itself and it deserved a better microphone. What do you think is the effective and efficient way to actually promote independent films? My first words after watching Delirious were does it cost too much f-ing money to show the trailer for this film before major studio films or even independents? I realize you may not want to spend time and words on woulda’s and coulda’s but I would be really interested in hearing your thoughts. I hope you get royalties from the DVD sales! You are very talented and thank you for all of your time spent with the blog!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks very much for your great note. What were doing up at 3:46? I hope it was on a weekend.
I’m glad you liked Delirious. I’m also pleased you responded to Buscemi’s character. He is my favorite character in the film. His presence in the story is much more difficult than the other characters but also much more important. If he did not work as a character I think the film would not have worked.
I give much credit to Buscemi for this, of course.
I know the French DVD is not due to be released for quite some time. How did you get yours? Did you order it from the States?
It doesn’t sound like you are a film geek. It sounds like you are a real human being.
My best to you. Your note was inspiring.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Those words carry quite a bit of meaning.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
God what a boneheaded error. Rufus and I spent a great afternoon together. If Rufus has seen my idiocity please ask him for to forgive me. I was standing right next to him talking to a woman who said her name was Larufus. He was delighted and told her his name was Rufus.
I feel like an idiot. I will correct the error right now.
Thanks for your kind words about Delirious. More though, thanks so much for informing me.
Great info, thanks for posting.
I ve been a long time fan of your movies and i just finished seeing Delirious tonight at 3 46. I Loved it. It s funny but it s much more than a comedy. It s like in The Real Blonde, it gives you the feeling the whole world is there, and you can finally stare at it. I loved the character of Buscemi, the relationship to the parents sounded really true. Les is a very funny character, but he s more than that.
The ending is fabulous. It s very rare to see climax coming up from the inside of the characters. And some scenes are so rich it just blew my mind. I know you were disappointed, with good reasons, by the way the movie was released, but your movie managed to move a film geek in Paris at 346 AM, and i guess in a very basic way, this is why films are made, and this is why it s still important to make them.
You have a unique sense of drama, comedy and direction of actors that i truly truly like. Your movies are enoyable but full of work behind, and in my country like in yours, it is very rare to find independant movies like that.
So congratulations, and i hope you ll keep up the good work. For film geeks like me.
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