Here is a music video together for Frozen Sunset, a new instrumental track by The Black & Blue Orkestre.
The idea was that our little 3 person consortium, spread out like it is between NY, LA and London, would film themselves in their own separate environments, just the way we collaborate. Grog, Will and I have met each other, but we have never played together, nor recorded in the same room as The Black & Blue Orkestre.
I think the video captures something of the track; and a little something of ourselves.
I love this Black & Blue Orkestre material. It’s consistently excellent — and your lyrics and singing are great. So far, my favorites are the two “Frozen” songs, you guys seem to be digging deeper and deeper into the vibe and finding rich veins. And, yes, the video is fun — it would be great to see more. Seeing the comments on this page about the top-notch appearance of the DiCillo hair was very funny and reminded me of a fine music doc I saw recently: Martin Scorsese’s George Harrison movies. My brother noted: “wow, George always had such incredible hair!” Which Paul commented on quite well when talking about their early days. Of course, George had a few other things going for him as well.
Thanks also to your answers to comments here, they are often as interesting, revealing, and funny as your actual posts. Yup, the changes to film and music industries — and the ways that artists are able to reach their audiences — are pretty gargantuan and can be more than a little daunting. Whatever the case, I’m dying to get a CD from the Orkestre!
Hearing about the scripts in the pipeline is very enticing — it would be great news indeed to hear about another DiCillo project moving forward!
All the best,
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Nice to hear from you. I appreciate the time you spent reading, and obviously listening as well. I think your observations about the music are astute and reflect some of my own. We stumbled upon something richer with the two Frozen tracks and we’re trying to unify the sound based on our pleasure with what we found. And yes, the Hair. What can I tell you? I like it long. It may have something to do with the fact that the old man made me have a buzzcut until I was 17.
I was wondering if you have any active plans to make a new movie in the near future? (And I hope this question hasn’t been asked to you so much that it’s grating).
I am familiar with your historical struggles with the movie making process, but I do hope that you aren’t too disenchanted, and that we’ll see something new from you. This isn’t particularly a reaction to your musical ambitions of late, but it does seem like it’s anything but my initial begging question.
I mean, there’s so much movies out there, at every degree of artistic merit and cost. And new technology, I feel, more and more, empowers the artist with its affordability, increasing quality, and independence. You have a solid reputation, so there must be a way for you to realise a new project.
I’m a fan of your work, and would like to see more. 🙂
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks for writing. “Active plans?” Brother, my plans are always active. I’ve got three scripts I’ve been trying to make for 5 years. The music is an attempt to keep from going insane because the environment out there right now is brutal. The change that has happened to the CD and record business is happening to the film world. I don’t think we even have a clue yet how or where it is going to end up but it is clear some massive changes are in the wind regarding how films are made and how people watch them.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thank you both for observing one of the more powerful visual elements of the video. I think many successful musicians would admit that hair almost equals talent. Just look at Justin Bieber.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Also, I must confess to an addiction to the whammy bar. I could listen to that sound for hours.
Thanks for listening, and watching.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Thanks so much for your wonderful words and impassioned support. I had a great time making this video. I bought an editing program for a hundred bucks and it was such a thrill being able to play around with these images and find the shape. I love cutting images to music. Usually it takes a financial miracle to get into an editing room with footage.
Well, I did spend $1.39 on the food coloring I dropped into the glass of water on my window sill.
Independent Filmmaker & Musician
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Almonte Creative